232 Centre Street, Vulcan, AB | 1-403-485-2168 | vdhs@telus.net
The Vulcan and District Archive has:
Copies of the Vulcan newspaper since it began publishing in 1912
Vulcan Cemetery lists and plot locations, headstone photos, and individual information sheets.
Clippings on a variety of subjects
Extensive photo collection
Local and Vulcan County history books and maps
Friendships with long-time residents
Some information about our Vulcan County neighbouring communities
The Vulcan & District Archives can help you with your research:
Our volunteer staff takes pleasure in finding answers to your questions for you. We do not have facilities for you to do your own research.
Contact us by email at: vdhs@telus.net
By phone at: 1-403-485-2168 (Please leave a message)
In-person year-round on Wednesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. or by appointment.
Information requests are forwarded to us from several other local agencies.
We can begin a search with just a name, but the more information you can give us; the easier and faster our search will be.
It is useful to know the time frame, person’s occupation, etc. Tell us what you specifically want to know. Provide us with your contact information, so we can be in touch with you.
Our archives is happy to accept donations of photos, personal papers, family history booklets, organization records or other papers that pertain specifically to Vulcan and the surrounding area.